Enhanced Learning

At St.George’s, our commitment to innovative teaching techniques and technology ensures that our students are not just passive learners but active participants in their educational journey.

We make learning engaging, interactive, and fun, and prepare our students to navigate and excel in the complexities of the modern world. By embracing methodologies like project-based learning and flipped classrooms, and incorporating technology such as virtual reality and gamification, we create dynamic and immersive learning experiences that are both inspiring and enjoyable.


Real-world relevance

Project-based learning at St.George’s bridges the gap between classroom learning and real-world application by engaging students in hands-on projects that foster critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.

Our projects are grounded in real-world issues, making learning relevant and exciting, and our student-centred approach enhances engagement and motivation. By working in teams, students develop essential communication and teamwork skills, while interdisciplinary projects integrate various subjects, offering a comprehensive learning experience. For example, in our science classes, students embark on designing and creating a sustainable garden, involving research, planning, and hands-on activities that seamlessly blend science, mathematics, and art.

Reimagining traditional learning

We believe in making learning as dynamic and immersive as possible.

Our curriculum is enriched through vibrant project weeks and themed project days, such as Science Week, Green Week, Entrepreneurship Days, and Book Week. These initiatives spotlight key areas and bring them to life, creating exciting opportunities for students to dive deeply into these subjects.

Our commitment to cross-school engagement allows  students from different primary and secondary classes to collaborate on shared projects, combining their skills and insights to tackle meaningful challenges and share their discoveries. This collaborative approach not only broadens their learning experiences but also fosters a strong sense of community and teamwork across the school.

Curriculum design

Our curriculum design is centred on fostering holistic learning by integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) with the arts (STEAM).

This approach not only nurtures creativity and innovation but also prepares our students for the multifaceted challenges of the modern world. We create interdisciplinary courses that seamlessly link subjects, such as combining history with literature or science with social studies, to provide a richer and more comprehensive educational experience. By breaking down traditional subject boundaries, we encourage students to see the connections between different fields of knowledge, promoting critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the material.

We design flexible classroom spaces that support various learning activities and styles. Our dedicated makerspaces and labs are equipped with advanced materials and technology, allowing us to teach subjects in a more integrated manner. These spaces enable students to experiment, create, and apply their knowledge in hands-on projects, fostering a seamless blend of learning across multiple disciplines.

Reviewing and adapting practices

We are committed to regularly reviewing and adapting our practices to ensure that we are always at the forefront of educational excellence.

We understand that what works today may need adjustments tomorrow, and continuously assess the effectiveness of our innovative practices. Our dedicated team of educators regularly reviews teaching methods, curriculum design, and learning resources to ensure they meet the evolving needs of our students. When we identify areas for improvement, we make the necessary adjustments. Whether it's refining a lesson plan, incorporating new technology into the classroom, or revising our assessment strategies, we are proactive in adapting our practices to achieve better outcomes for our students.

Feedback is invaluable in guiding our innovation process. We actively seek input from our students and parents to understand their perspectives and experiences. Through surveys, focus groups, and open communication channels, we gather insights that inform our decision-making and drive positive change.


unique education model

As an educational organisation we are pioneering in four key areas which are the pillars supporting our work as educators and employers, and informing our wider economic, social, and environmental responsibilities.