Service Learning

We believe in cultivating well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also socially responsible and globally aware. Our Service Learning programmes are cornerstones of this philosophy, offering students an unparalleled opportunity to grow beyond the classroom.

Service learning is a core component of the IB curriculum. Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS), as part of the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP), and Service Learning, as an element of the IB Career-related Programme (IBCP), are designed to develop students’ personal and interpersonal skills through hands-on, real-world experiences.

Additionally, our school offers the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme as a voluntary opportunity for students. This programme aligns with the principles of service learning, providing further avenues for students to develop their skills through community service, physical challenges, and personal projects. 

Together, these initiatives enhance students' critical thinking, empathy, and collaborative abilities, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities.



Engage, empower, change

Our Service Learning programmes empower students to identify needs within their local and global communities and develop sustainable initiatives to meet those needs. Through engaging in a diverse range of creative, physical, and service-oriented activities, students not only foster personal growth and leadership but also cultivate a deep sense of responsibility.

We empower students to take the lead in awareness campaigns, both within the school and the broader community. By focusing on pressing global issues such as climate change, human rights, and global health crises, our pupils become passionate advocates for positive change.

Students utilise a range of methods - including presentations, social media outreach, creative posters, and student assemblies - to highlight these critical topics. Their initiatives not only raise awareness but also inspire meaningful action, cultivating a strong sense of responsibility and global citizenship within our school and beyond.

Enhancing academic learning

Community-based learning is a transformative educational approach that integrates academic learning with meaningful community service, making learning relevant and impactful.

By engaging in real-world projects, our students apply theoretical concepts learned in the classroom to practical situations. This hands-on experience not only reinforces their academic knowledge but also enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Through a range of initiatives - from environmental conservation projects to collaborations with local charities – they are making a tangible impact. Their commitment extends to supporting international causes, where they engage in fundraising events such as charity runs, bake sales, and art auctions. These efforts not only foster a sense of global responsibility but also demonstrate their dedication to contributing to society.

Learn more

Our students actively participate in an ongoing charity partnership with Diakonie, which supports a variety of vital projects in our area, including refugee centers and elderly care homes. This collaboration allows our pupils to contribute meaningfully to their community and develop a strong sense of social responsibility.

The recent Don Bosco project is a notable example of fundraising engagement to support international causes, aiming at enhancing education in India. Through this initiative, our students helped raise funds to build a kitchen at a school in Assam. This facility will provide nutritious meals to girls whose families work in tea plantations, ensuring they have the resources needed to pursue their education.

Building essential skills

Planning and executing service projects provides our students with the opportunity to develop a wide range of essential skills that are crucial for their personal and professional growth.

Teamwork is fostered as they collaborate with peers and community members to achieve common goals. Problem-solving becomes a core competency as they navigate challenges and devise innovative solutions. Leadership skills are honed as they take initiative and lead projects, while effective communication is practiced through presenting their ideas and engaging with diverse audiences. These skills not only enhance the students’ academic journey but also prepare them for future careers and civic engagement.



Developing global citizens

In an increasingly interconnected world, it is essential for our students to understand the complexities of global challenges and the richness of cultural diversity.

Our programmes aim to immerse them in diverse perspectives and global issues, fostering empathy and awareness. Through an inclusive and diverse school community, international partnerships, cultural trips, and participation in global events, our students gain firsthand experience of different cultures and world dynamics. This exposure helps them become compassionate and informed citizens who are equipped to contribute positively to the world.


unique education model

As an educational organisation we are pioneering in four key areas which are the pillars supporting our work as educators and employers, and informing our wider economic, social, and environmental responsibilities.